Wood Badge has been developed for Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, Varsity Scout and Venturing Leaders as well as council and district leaders. Its focus is on leadership, not out-of-door skills. Wood Badge is advanced training in leadership skills for all adults in BSA programs.
This advanced training is presented in two parts:
An advanced learning experience presented over two long (three-day) weekends or as a weeklong course. An application phase of several months during which the leaders apply the specific skills they have learned at Wood Badge to their Scouting responsibilities. Leaders who successfully complete both parts of the training are recognized with the Wood Badge beads, woggle slide, and neckerchief.
To be eligible for an invitation to participate in Wood Badge training, Cub Scout leaders must first complete Basic Leader Training. Your pack trainer, Cubmaster, unit commissioner, or council service center can give you more information.
It is the goal of the BSA that every leader attends Wood Badge within two years of registering as an adult leader.
The Purpose of Wood Badge is to allow participants to:
- View Scouting globally, as a family of interrelated, values-based programs that provide age-appropriate activities for youth.
- Recognize the contemporary leadership concepts utilized in corporate America and leading government organizations that are relevant to our values-based programs.
- Apply the skills they learn from their participation as a member of a successful working team.
- Revitalize their commitment by sharing in an overall inspirational experience that helps provide Scouting with the leadership it needs to accomplish its mission on an on-going basis.
The following themes encapsulate the course content:
Living the Values
– Values, mission, and vision
– Aims and methods
Bringing the Vision of Life
– Listening to learn
– Communicating
– Giving and receiving feedback
– Valuing people and leveraging diversity
– Coaching and mentoring
Models for Success
– Team development model
– Situational leadership
Tools of the Trade
– Project planning and problem solving
– Managing conflict
– Assessing team performance
– Managing change
– Celebrating team success
Leading to Make a Difference
– Leaving a legacy
– Learning the greatest leadership secret