Heritage Society Member


The Northwest Texas Council’s Heritage Society is comprised of men and women who believe in Scouting to share in its future. They have made either an outright gift or a planned gift to the Boy Scouts of America. These gifts are appreciated and always will be important. The Northwest Texas Council, concerned with perpetuating Scouting for future generations, has created a unique local program called Scouting Heritage Society whose purpose is to recognize those special friends who have made a commitment of at least $10,000 to our Endowment Trust fund, either through a bequest, or by some other form of gift. Those making a gift become lifetime members of the Scouting Heritage Society. 

Heritage Society Members

Mr. Scott Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. Warren T. Ayres
Mr. and Mrs. D. Phil Bolin
Mrs. Ernestine Bolin
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. John David Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. John Hancock
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Joe A. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. David Kolp
Mr. and Mrs. Art Litteken, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lanham Lyne
Mr. Hardy O. McAlister
Mr. and Mrs. Bill McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Neil McMullen
Mrs. Betty Lee Perry
Mrs. R. D. Riddle
Dr. and Mrs. David Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. William Thacker, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. T. J. Waggoner, Jr.* (In memory)
Dr. and Mrs. Sam Waters